I was watching TV today and, boy,?is my thumb tired.? Seriously, folks, I’m here all week.? And so is James Dicks according to this infomercial I just came across.? Who is James Dicks?? In a word: the devil (if you say anything about how that’s 2 words, I’ll be forced to get really, really mean).? And by devil I mean a con artist who gives currency trading a bad name. (more…)

The subject of stop-losses is such an intensely difficult topic to discuss.? I’ve had many latenight debates in trading forums and chatrooms and I’ve been through every camp in my experience as a trader.? The best answer I’ve ever been able to come up with is that answer famous and frustrating for its truth: it depends. (more…)

I’ve always wanted to write a post on the topic of probability in the markets but this guy summed it up pretty well.

This chart jumped onto my leg and started to hump?it like a dog wearing plaid.? In other words,?the pattern I saw just couldn’t be ignored.

Real Median Household Income? (more…)

It’s times like these that I’m reminded of that chapter in Practical Speculation about the market “Mad Lib” where you could mimick the media’s attempts to explain market movement by plugging in random investment terms into a stock article.

Today the stock market moved higher/lower on news of higher/lower inflation/confidence/oil.? This is certainly bullish/bearish for stocks/bonds.

Mr. Pundit,?in case you haven’t noticed, the stock market is asleep/on vacation in Mexico?and is merely twitching from a bad/good dream/enchilada dinner.? You choose.? This is a Mad Lib after all. (more…)

I thought I’d throw another log on the bondfire.? Get it?? Bondfire.? You know like bonfire.? Except it’s bond.? Man, I kill me.? I could pun on the word “bond” all day long.

Anyway, I’m the last person on earth that is really qualified to talk about bond trading or investing so I’m not trying to make any commentary about what should be done in that market.? I have zero real opinion one way or another personally.? But I only thought this article painted an interesting picture.? I’m not sure what timeframe is really involved here but it’s worth factoring in to any analysis.

Remember the wise words of Wu-Tang Financial…

No, not the blog (or rather the blog of other blogs).? I mean specifically the alpha that they are seeking.? What is it? (more…)

Of?all techniques used to analyze markets, the one that I find underappreciated is market profiling and auction market value theory.? This style was first codified?by CBOT as Market Profile.? But the basic principal is finding areas of price that generate more ticks of trading than others.? I’ve talked of this before as “density” areas. (more…)

If you want to experience a really good time, browse this Yahoo! Message Board for CSCO from March 27th, 2000.? On this day, CSCO peaked and never looked back.? Browse through with the arrow buttons and read how violently they responded to negative posters and how cocky they all were. I never realized that these old boards could still be read.? Imagine all of the gems of the past that you could explore.

Google has really gone downhill.? I tried a simple, straightforward search, “failure”, hoping to find some useful information to help me fix that thing I have that failed and what to I get as the top result?? Useless.? What good is Google?? I’m switching search engines for the next four years.? Wait.? Scratch that.? I’m not even going to search anymore.? My searches aren’t going to change the system.? They are all corrupt anyway.? Consider it a protest of silence…er…non-typingness.? That will teach them.? What we really need in this country is a third major search engine to finally put Google and Yahoo! in their place.? Our internet is a complete failure.

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